Monday, September 03, 2012

Starting anew

This blog is ancient and was largely abandoned. Its been dusted down, given a freshen up, and is about to become a catalogue (of sorts) for kitchen experiments. This will most likely be of a baking and cooking nature but every so often might also contain other home made things. It will almost certainly contain a healthy measure of nuts ;)

There are a few reasons why I'm getting more creative in the kitchen;

  1. I'm trying a dietary change and eliminating gluten as best I can.
  2. I really enjoy baking but am finding gluten-free (gf) flour to be a bit of a mystery.  Each brand differs in texture and the variety available now is vast.  My biggest challenge will be to create a perfectly light scone.
  3. I've started experimenting with sourdough.  We used to have a bowl of sweet sourdough on the kitchen counter when I was a teen and thought it might be interesting to see how well, or perhaps badly, it works with gf products.
  4. The kitchen table is often used to 'make stuff' of all sorts.  My interest recently has largely waned.  The muse had left the building.  I'm hoping now that we're entering Autumn and I'm being creative in other ways that the muse will once again come and rest here for a while.

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